Welcome to G[L}EN

G[L}EN is a versatile game logic engine designed for:

  • Prototyping of Ai-enabled games
  • Reinforcement Learning model development
  • Simulations with intelligent agents & data farming

You can fully use it from your browser and there is no need to install anything.

What does it offer?

Game Description Language

Game logic is written in a purpose-specific game description language, suitable for newcomers and professional programmers alike.

Ai Training

The engine handles Ai training, so you don't have to worry about the intricacies of Machine Learning algorithms.

Alternatively, you can always provide your own heuristic functions.


Switchable Actor Controllers

Do your actors act randomly, strive to optimize their utility, or are they controlled by the user?

Separating actor definition and actor control allows switching behaviours instantaneously.


A powerful mechanism for attaching non-game-logic data anywhere.

Metadata provide instructions for the renderer, the actor controllers and other components without impacting game logic.


Enjoy a responsive, carefully designed, user interface.

How do you use it?

  1. Write your game logic in the provided language
  2. (Optional) Add metadata on top of the game logic for the visual elements and the controls
  3. (Optional) Train the Ai
  4. Share your game, download your model, or run your simulations
PrototypingShare Game Link
RL ModelsTrain & Download Model
SimulationsSimulate & Download .csv

Project Development Phase

The project is a working prototype, so you can try out most of the features now.

Keep in mind, however, that significant enhancements are on their way for:

  • The game running performance
  • The strength of the Ai agents

Future development plans include:

  • A natural language interface, making use of recent technological developments
  • A fully graphical interface for game logic
  • User Accounts
  • Game Server functionality
  • Advanced renderers, including 3D
